Whats on my mind these days.

Some things you just have to discuss, well Blog about.
(and for those wondering about the title its Down 4 Powder)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Beginning

So this whole Blog thing is new to me, I have read others Blogs but have never decided to create my own until now. I am an individual who is very opinionated yet open to others views and beliefs. Here I will display and discuss the world as I see it through my eyes to include sports, life, religion, politics, computer hardware/software, and of course the music I love and anything else that I fancy to discuss. All are welcome.......

1 comment:

  1. Hey Matt. Good to see you are trying out new things. I think I started one of these a few years ago, but honestly with every other social site out there it is kinda hard to keep up with these kinds of things. I will definitely put it in my favorites menu though. Speaking of all the social sites out there, I watched this really cool documentary the other day that mentioned our society has sort of been reduced to this "para-social" way of interacting in the world and with others. I think to an extent we are all somewhat drowning in information. Anyway, it's a long story that maybe we could discuss sometime, but for now that's all. Go blogging!!!
