Whats on my mind these days.

Some things you just have to discuss, well Blog about.
(and for those wondering about the title its Down 4 Powder)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Thinking About New Hardware

I have a love for computers and trying to make my "machines" as high tech looking as possible (kinda like a front to make the viewer believe I am this big computer nerd when really I am not, I took a quiz earlier which ranked me on my nerdness and i didnt rank so high but I will post on that later) any way after watching a pretty good action movie today with a little bit of a hacker theme to it (can you guess this one, here's a hint "yippie ki yay mother.....") I saw a clear UV lite computer tower which def caught my eye. After a little searching I found out where to buy one.


I will definitely be ordering one of these this fall and building a new tower (specs to come).

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