Whats on my mind these days.

Some things you just have to discuss, well Blog about.
(and for those wondering about the title its Down 4 Powder)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

So is anyone else Concerned

With Kim Jong Un pretty much taking the reigns from his father the rest of the world has to ask themselves what does the future hold for the DPRK, I myself and am pretty concerned sure KJU is not his dad but as they say the apple does not fall far from the tree, and didn't he try to kill his older brother....

Kim Jong Un aide plotted to kill brother | The Japan Times Online

1 comment:

  1. Yes very concerned, possibly continuing our 10 years seize fire war with North Korea could continue soon, With change in power their is always going to be a some changes... I'm sure once his dad passes for good and hes killed off all his family members.. We will all be getting deployed to korea.
