Whats on my mind these days.

Some things you just have to discuss, well Blog about.
(and for those wondering about the title its Down 4 Powder)

Monday, January 24, 2011

MacBook Air

So I have recently acquired a MacBook air (even though i have two other computers) and I must say I definitely don't regret this purchase. Sure it does not have a disk drive but it does weight aprox 2.4 ounces and last time I checked computers dont come in ounces. It literally is the fastest, easiest to carry laptop out there but they are a little pricey compared to the reasonable netbooks out on the market. With a 250gb storage I can save what I need and dont always have to have a external HD. The netbooks need to work on the hd space. This will all change when they release terabyte solid state drives, but untill then I am very happy customer.

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