Whats on my mind these days.

Some things you just have to discuss, well Blog about.
(and for those wondering about the title its Down 4 Powder)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Free college classes from the Ivy League

Almost everyone that knows me know I love to learn and I love technology, so when my friend Dana mentioned that there were free classes being put out by Harvard, MIT, and Berkeley I got really excited. Last year there were two classes that where put out to the public by Stanford as a experiment to see how the general public would do compared to the students actually receiving credit for the courses but I didn't participate and take advantage of them. This year I definitely plan to. Now I have to decide which one I want to take CS50x Intro to Computer Sci or 6.00x Intro to Computer Science and Programming.... hmmm decisions decisions......


As of late I have been wanting to learn a programming language; something that is useful, not that complicated, and that I can start using right away. While looking for this the website Codeacademy decided to add to their curriculum a course on Python. Python is a object oriented language that is mostly used for web applications. I already take a HTML class and messed around with JavaScript (which is still a work in progress) but I am quickly learning this new syntax based language and trying to find something to edit or create. I highly recommend visiting the Codeacedmy website if not to truly learn then you can dabble a little. Now let me get back to this next lesson.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

With my recent time off of work I have been gaming alot, playing games like Star Craft 2, Battle Field 3, and Dota 2 (beta). I have clocked in quite a few hours of game play but am no way a pro or in this case a diamond league or gold league player, but when a Master League player (top 200 in the world) plays in the bronze league against you your just going to get mowed down. This happened last night, smh.

Monday, July 23, 2012

So I have finally moved back to Cali and have my rig back up and running. While I loved my experience in the snowy climate of northern Japan, there is no place like San Diego where everyday is better than Japans best day weather wise, unless you just want to get dumped on with snow then you cant beat the land of the rising sun. I will be posting more updates soon, after I run all these patches; to think not having your computer for a month or two you would miss out on so many updates and dlc.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

New Rig

So after collecting parts for a few weeks, I finally have my new rig up and running. Bring on Battle Field 3! Now even though I say new the motherboard was slightly used and given to me by a good friend of mine. So here are the specs, and trust me there is always room for improvement (SSD coming soon)

- Intel® Core™2 Quad Brand Logo
Intel® Core™2 Quad Processor Q9400
(6M Cache, 2.66 GHz, 1333 MHz FSB
- Evga GeForce GTX580
- Cool Master 932 Full Tower
- 4 x 4GB G Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB
- 1000w Power Supply

By the way I have learned today when your teammate is getting charged by a legion of Roach's it is best to send your MMM army that you have standing by before you blow the game.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


So I took about a 6 month hiatus, that's what happens when you are on deployment but anyway I am back at home for who knows how long, anyway I have been gaming aton. SC2 has been a crazy obsession of mine as of late and the fact that I been playing with a few friends(and making new ones)from the Slaughterhouse clan (http://www.bhslaughter.com/) keeps me plugged in.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Draft Punks


In the o so recent past I have discovered the popular group know as the Draft Punks. Let me explain to you that im not the biggest fan of House/experimental music but after watching the movie Tron I had to hear more of the duo and i must say that they will be in heavy rotation for awhile as I open up to this 120-128 bpm style of music. Definitely going to keep the music going!